How A Pediatric Dentist Can Help Your Child

How A Pediatric Dentist Can Help Your Child

Beginning good dental hygiene habits at an early age is crucial to your child’s oral health throughout their life. However, many parents may not be fully aware of what their child’s dental hygiene routine should consist of. Your dentist can help you and your child understand the best practices for a daily and long-term dental hygiene routine. Find out more about pediatric dentistry and what makes a solid at-home oral care routine important with Sudbury Family Dental Care in Sudbury, MA.

How often should my child see their dentist? 

The American Dental Association says that all dental patients, regardless of their age, should see the dentist twice a year for routine examinations with their dentist and cleanings performed by a dental hygienist. These regular visits allow dentists to keep track of a child’s growth and development and find and treat any issues like cavities quickly to stop them in their tracks.

How will my dentist help me instill good dental habits in my child? 

Seeing the dentist regularly from an early age has proven to instill good oral hygiene habits and reduce the chances of developing dental anxiety or dental phobia. We go above and beyond to establish a good relationship with your child, with a happy, fun environment and a kid-friendly, show-tell-do approach to introducing your child to the dentist’s office and routine check-ups.

What should my child’s daily oral care routine consist of? 

Good dental care begins before a child has any teeth at all. As an infant, children’s parents should wipe their gums with a damp, soft cloth after feedings. When their first tooth erupts, brushing twice a day with a child’s toothbrush and a tiny amount of toothpaste will keep teeth decay at bay. As the teeth grow close enough together to touch, begin helping your child floss between each tooth at least once a day.

Children’s Dentistry & You

Starting good oral hygiene habits early will benefit your child for the rest of their life. For more information on ensuring that your child is confident about their dental visits and caring for their teeth, please contact Sudbury Family Dental Care in Sudbury, MA. Call 978-443-5193 to schedule your child’s appointment with your dentist today!

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