My Blog

  • The Best DH in Baseball
    Oh, wait—did you think we meant Designated Hitter? Oh, no, we’re not getting into that debate! What we want to talk about is the best Dental Habits you can practice Read more
  • The Importance of Baby Teeth
    the doctor and our team know it can be easy to underestimate the significance of baby teeth. At Sudbury Family Dental Care, we sometimes meet parents who assume that since Read more
  • Make Every Day Earth Day
    Earth Day began in 1970 as an event to raise awareness of our environment. What began as a single day in April is now recognized around the world to bring Read more
  • Electric Toothbrushes vs. Regular Toothbrushes
    Convertible or sedan? Downtown or suburbs? Electric or manual toothbrush? As life decisions go, it’s certainly not choosing your next car, or deciding where you want to live. But, even Read more
  • Do Spring Allergies Mean (B)Looming Dental Problems?
    April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring . . . allergies. If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, you might be suffering Read more
  • Is Coffee Damaging Your Smile?
    Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Many people have a cup, or two, or even three a day. It’s common to drink it in the Read more
  • Best Ways to Prevent Bad Breath
    Nobody likes bad breath, and although it can sometimes be difficult to tell if you have it, it is always better to practice good oral health than risk having a Read more
  • St. Patrick's Day
    On March 17, everyone has a little Irish in them. St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous celebration of Irish heritage. The holiday originated as a commemoration of Saint Patrick, who Read more
  • Good Nutrition Leads to Healthy Mouths
    At Sudbury Family Dental Care, we know the most common oral health diseases are tooth decay and periodontal disease (or gum disease), and both are among the easiest to prevent. Read more
  • Electric Toothbrush Innovations
    If you’re happy with your manual toothbrush, read no further. But if you’re looking for more options than “firm,” “medium,” or “soft,” there’s a world of electric toothbrush innovations out Read more
  • My teeth feel great. Do I still need to see the dentist?
    Absolutely. Checking in with the doctor on a regular basis—usually every six months—is essential to keeping your smile looking its best. At Sudbury Family Dental Care, we are proud to Read more
  • Valentine's Day History
    Valentine’s Day is best known as a celebration of love in all its forms. Pink hearts, red roses, and cute greeting cards adorn every surface you see. What many people Read more
  • Aging and Dental Health
    As you grow older, your mind may be preoccupied with the health of your bones, heart, or brain. However, our team at Sudbury Family Dental Care will tell you that Read more
  • Five Tips for Taking Tots to the Dentist
    Toddlers are notoriously balky about strangers. But their first dental visit should not be cause for fear and tears. Nor should you assume that getting your toddler to Sudbury Family Read more
  • Your Snoring Might Be More Serious Than You Think
    Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout the night. It’s most common among middle-aged adults, and the most prevalent symptom is loud snoring. Sleep apnea Read more
  • What is a cavity?
    Cavities are the reason why most people fear going to the dentist. But they’re also the reason you should be visiting the doctor on a regular basis. Specifically, cavities are the Read more

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